If you were to record a 15 video on why someone should buy your product right now – what would you say? It’s a modern-day elevator pitch asking one of the most important questions for today’s specialty food businesses – and most don’t have a quick answer.
The one thing we’ve seen proven time and time again in the marketing world of today’s specialty foods industry is this: you have to clearly develop your brand. Consumers not only appreciate it, but they expect it now more than ever. Whether it’s designing a Fancy Food Show booth that attracts buyers / delights eyes, developing a tagline that effectively communicates your mission or crafting a video as to what makes your product special – the list goes on. The truth is this: people make assumptions – it’s human nature. If you don’t work intentionally and proactively to craft your own story, potential customers will make one up – whether you like it or not.
That’s where our team at Skillet Design & Marketing often partners with clients to help. In this day and age, there is no excuse to be unclear about your brand. With modern technology and a multitude of physical and digital platforms to express your story – the possibilities are endless. Remember: the WHAT is important (i.e. your product) but the WHY is the reason people buy. Take initiative to set yourself apart, leave a memorable impression and break away from the noise on product shelves. How? Here are a few of our favorites in each realm of marketing for our client J.K. Adams., the preeminent American manufacturer of high-quality products for the kitchen and home – crafted in Vermont for over 65 years.
Need support? Our talented team of graphic designers, videographers and content marketing professionals would be happy to help. Let’s connect – here.