Sipping on a cup of coffee while watching the day go by in a funky coffee shop can be appealing to just about any consumer, no matter their age. When was the last time you were in line at your favorite coffee stop and heard an order for tea? It doesn’t happen in the U.S. nearly as much as in the UK. Which makes sense… where else is afternoon tea an event? But according to a report by Mintel, overall sales in the UK for tea is declining. Is it possible for tea to be trendy with the Millennials?
Unique tea flavor combinations could appeal to a younger consumer and perhaps give a boost back to the tea industry. Anita Winther, Food and Drink Analyst at Mintel, said: “Consumers aged 25-34 have the widest repertoire of tea, which is reflective of this age group typically having a more adventurous attitude towards food and drink, with a greater tendency to seek out new foods and flavors to try.”
Probably not too surprising, but we think that outstanding and eye-catching packaging could also help attract new and younger tea drinkers to the market. Tazo Tea is always topping our list of functional yet innovative packaging. Check out more fun and attention-getting tea packaging concepts on And maybe next time go for the tea rather than the latte, you’ll be helping the tea industry, one cup at a time. Need help with your beverage packaging? That’s what we do best.